日本財団 図書館


?@Colac (Bisacodyl tablets 5 mg)
?ALaxoberon (Sodium picosulfate liquid 0.75%)
?BAromatic castor oil (Castor oil)
Products ?@ and ?A stimulate the mucosa of the large intestine and cause bowel movements 5-8 hours (?@) or 7-12 hours (?A) after administration. Product ?B stimulates the mucosa of the small intestine and causes passage of watery stools 2-4 hours after administration: it should therefore be used in the morning.
Indications: Food intoxication and acute intoxication.
Dosage: ?@5-15 mg (1-3 tablets). ?A 5-7.5ml. ?B 15-30 ml.
Precautions: 1. Purgatives must not be administered to patients with appendicitis or with severe constipation.
2. Product ?B must not be used in patients intoxicated with a lipophilic substance.
3. Purgatives may cause abdominal pain when inducing the desire to defecate.
Storage: At room temperature.


?@Pursennid (Sennoside tablets 12 mg)
?ABulkosol Forte (Dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate capsules 30 mg)
?BSaralin Soft (combined drug tablets)
Product ?@ stimulates the mucosa of the large intestine to increase intestinal motility and causes a bowel movement after 8-12 hours. Product ?A softens and increases the volume of a hard fecal mass and also increases intestinal motility to induce a nearly physiological bowel movement. When an adequate response is not obtained, Product ?@ should be used concomitantly. Product ?B induces bowel movements by softening a hard fecal mass and increasing intestinal motility.
Indication: Diarrhea.
Dosage: ?@ 12-24 mg (1-2 tablets) at bedtime. ?A 5-6 capsules at bedtime or 6 capsules per day divided into 2-3 doses. ?B 1 tablet at bedtime on day 1, with the dose being increased gradually depending on the response.
Precautions: 1. Laxatives should not be used in patients with acute abdomen (e.g., acute appendicitis) or severe constipation.
2. Laxatives may cause discomfort, abdominal distention, and abdominal pain.
Storage: At room temperature.


Other agents acting on the gastrointestinal system
Nauzelin (Domperidone tablets 5 mg)
Domperidone suppresses nausea and vomiting. It also promotes gastric emptying.
Indications: Nausea and vomiting. It is also effective for the treatment of anorexia, abdominal distension, and heartburn.
Dosage: 10 mg (2 tablets) 3 times daily before meals.
Precautions: Domperidone may cause diarrhea, abdominal pain, and constipation.
Storage: At room temperature.


Ergot alkaloids
?@Methergin (Methylergometrine maleate tablets 0.125 mg)
?AMetenarin (Methylergometrine maleate tablets 0.125 mg)
Ergot alkaloids can be used to promote uterine contraction in late gestation and immediately atter parturition. They also act as an angiotonic and suppress excessive uterine bleeding.
Indication: Abortion.
Dosage: ?@ & ?A 0.125 mg (1 tablet) twice daily (in the morning and evening).
1. Methylergometrine maleate must not be administered to patients with a history of hypersensitivity to any ergot alkaloid.
2. Methylergometrine maleate may cause nausea, vomiting, dizziness, tinnitus, and excitement. The package insert for the drug should be read carefully prior to its use.
Storage: At room temperature.




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